Sunday, October 11, 2009

PROCESS/STATEMENT (Decoumpage,Collage,Oils) I create collages using characters from sketchbooks super imposed onto landscape photography. I shoot landscape photos around rural Missouri and Kansas to use as backdrops for my characters. The finished collage is printed in duotone onto large canvasses and then painted with traditional oils. Some work is printed onto paper and then pasted to masonite panels and painted. Each piece takes around a week of photoshop work and 1-2 months to paint. Sketches + Photos + Photoshop + Print + Paint

Initially, I intended to try to recreate the feel of the Old Masters from the Flemish school, withmodern elements such as political and social issues of our time. Pollution, Greed and War are often themes in my work. I try to imply, but not force, opinions and observations onto the viewer. My work has been compared to early work from Henry Darger, Bosch, and Dali. Although I have a constant struggle between Fine Art, Graphic Design and Illustration, I am more concerned with the actual imagery and ideas than the catergory I end up in. I use tools, technology and techniques from all schools of visual art and mash them together.

COLLECTIONS: State Fair Community College Permanant Collection ( 2 pieces )
Daum Museum of Modern Art ( Sedalia, Mo) The College currently owns two pieces from my student days. Collectors from around KC-: Troy Swangstu,GEAR, Stretch, PAW, Mercy Seat, Crosstown Station, Dr. David French, E.Flatden, (Stl- Jake and Sons,D.Cunningham (Tx.- Javier Moralez Jr. (S.Car.- Dr. H.Albee (Int.- Sophic Mlekuz, Slovenia. Ardrick Nzdanic, Croatia. Samuel Izadromezzi Italy.

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